I, Boris Acosta, director and producer of this film, deeply thank the following people and institutions who have helped me, in one way or another, make possible this precious film based on Dante Alighieri's Italian literary masterpiece, The Divine Comedy. First and foremost, I enormously thank the entire cast for being so gracious in lending their voices and time to help make history together as well as helping students worldwide. Armand Mastroianni for "Presenting" this film and for his countless feedback to make this film a better one. Also, for bringing Rico Simonini and Al Sapienza onboard in the English version, Dante's Hell Animated. Rico Simonini for bringing onboard Eric Roberts as Dante's voice in the English version of this animation. Eliza Simons for finding the perfect actress to do a voice over in Hebrew: Shirly Brener. Shirly Brener for thanslating the Entrance of Hell sign into Hebrew and adding her voice. Massimo Ciavolella for always being available himself, and the UCLA Italian department as a whole, as well as for embracing this film in both languages to help UCLA students understand Dante's Inferno in a visual way. RAI - Radiotelevisione italiana S.p.A. for the recognition and the gracious permission to use "David di Donatello" Award winner Vittorio Gassman's voice as Dante in the Italian version Inferno Dantesco Animato. Sergio Ercolessi for his encourament at the very beginning when this film was not even a consideration yet, but a bunch of unfinished paintings. All Content Copyright © 2007-2018 Gotimna Productions, LLC - All Rights Reserved |